Thursday, January 24, 2013


Reece? Who’s Reece?

Announcer 1- Reece is a turtle. He’s not just any kind of turtle, but the kind of turtle who wants to help the earth and help YOU learn why recycling is so important! Then there’s Recyclable Boy (we call him Bob-o), Broccoli Barak, Charlie Cooper the Sad Penguin, Mother Earth, Crazy Corn, The FBGI, The Ride the Sea of Change Singers and No More Plastic Rapper! They are on Reece’s team. They are getting ready for the Green Earth Revolution. They want to see changes that will save the earth from food waste and PLASTIC waste that ends up in landfills, lakes and rivers, and causes global warming.

Announcer 2- Eva Menila and her team, Roberto Kong, Methane, Poppy McPop, Styro, Foam and the Methane Dancers are hoping to be the evil nemesis of the Green Dreamin’ Team. Both groups are working really hard. If you want Reece to win, then you have toSTART RECYCLING, STOP WASTING FOOD and STOP USING PLASTIC! Say NO to plastic and start carrying a reusable bag TODAY! So let’s see who wins the GREEENOOOLUUUTIONNN!!!!!!!